How to become a TVRC member
meet our executivePresident - Mathew Tomolak
Vice-President- Laurie Kacsmar Secretary- Brooke Helmeczi-Bedford Treasurer - Kimberly Hanis parks SRCA director- Shelli Oxtoby Rodeo Secretary - Linette Lanski |
The Esterhazy Saddle/Twin Valley Riding Club has been active in this area for 50 years. Members have come and gone but the club continues to participate in all types of equine activities and strongly promotes horsemanship, safety and youth involvement.
The idea of a saddle club was first discussed by Bill Bigelow and Phylip Appel. When Dr. Prestage moved to Esterhazy and expressed interest the three decided to visit a meeting of the Moosomin Club. With Slim Helmie coming on board and information from the Moosomin meeting a letter was sent to the editor of the Esterhazy Miner giving notice that a saddle club was being formed. The first meeting was held April 4th, 1966 in the Catholic Church basement, the start of the Esterhazy Saddle Club.
Founding Members were:
President - Dr. Prestage
Vice President - Bea Stevenson
Secretary/Treasurer - Bill Bigelow
Events & Social Chairman - Phylip Appel
Trustees - Robert (Slim) Helmie, Gerald Norek & Terry Inch
Member - Robert Stevenson
In January 1969 the club name officially changed to the Twin Valley Riding Club.
The Esterhazy Saddle/Twin Valley Riding Club has always been very community oriented and supports many clubs and organizations such as St. Anthony’s Hospital, Big Brothers Big Sisters, 4-H clubs, P.J. Gillen School, High School Rodeo, Ovarian Cancer, Esterhazy Respite House, Kids Sport, minor sports and the Esterhazy Grad Class just to name a few.
Through the years the Esterhazy Saddle/Twin Valley Riding Club has hosted many events including trail rides – day and overnighters, wagon treks, horse shows, poker derbies, dances, various fund raisers, gymkhana, eventually the rodeo and continues to be involved in a variety of competitions and events.
Also the TVRC maintains a strong focus on promoting horsemanship by hosting clinics and ride nights throughout the year building up to the SRCA finals in the fall. Since 1968 the Club has been an active member in the Saskatchewan Riding Club Association and each year sends riders of all ages to compete at the Finals in Western Division - Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, Reining and/or Gymkhana Division - Barrels, Poles and Quads.
The idea of a saddle club was first discussed by Bill Bigelow and Phylip Appel. When Dr. Prestage moved to Esterhazy and expressed interest the three decided to visit a meeting of the Moosomin Club. With Slim Helmie coming on board and information from the Moosomin meeting a letter was sent to the editor of the Esterhazy Miner giving notice that a saddle club was being formed. The first meeting was held April 4th, 1966 in the Catholic Church basement, the start of the Esterhazy Saddle Club.
Founding Members were:
President - Dr. Prestage
Vice President - Bea Stevenson
Secretary/Treasurer - Bill Bigelow
Events & Social Chairman - Phylip Appel
Trustees - Robert (Slim) Helmie, Gerald Norek & Terry Inch
Member - Robert Stevenson
In January 1969 the club name officially changed to the Twin Valley Riding Club.
The Esterhazy Saddle/Twin Valley Riding Club has always been very community oriented and supports many clubs and organizations such as St. Anthony’s Hospital, Big Brothers Big Sisters, 4-H clubs, P.J. Gillen School, High School Rodeo, Ovarian Cancer, Esterhazy Respite House, Kids Sport, minor sports and the Esterhazy Grad Class just to name a few.
Through the years the Esterhazy Saddle/Twin Valley Riding Club has hosted many events including trail rides – day and overnighters, wagon treks, horse shows, poker derbies, dances, various fund raisers, gymkhana, eventually the rodeo and continues to be involved in a variety of competitions and events.
Also the TVRC maintains a strong focus on promoting horsemanship by hosting clinics and ride nights throughout the year building up to the SRCA finals in the fall. Since 1968 the Club has been an active member in the Saskatchewan Riding Club Association and each year sends riders of all ages to compete at the Finals in Western Division - Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, Reining and/or Gymkhana Division - Barrels, Poles and Quads.